


The numerical approach of pyqg was originally inspired by a MATLAB code by Glenn Flierl of MIT, who was a teacher and mentor to Ryan and Malte. It would be hard to find anyone in the world who knows more about this sort of model than Glenn. Malte implemented a python version of the two-layer model while at GFDL. In the summer of 2014, while both were at the WHOI GFD Summer School, Ryan worked with Malte refactor the code into a proper python package. Cesar got involved and brought pyfftw into the project. Ryan implemented a cython kernel. Cesar and Francis implement the barotropic and sqg models.


By adopting open-source best practices, we hope pyqg will grow into a widely used, communited-based project. We know that many other research groups have their own “in house” QG models. You can get involved by trying out the model, filing issues if you find problems, and making pull requests if you make improvements.

Develpment Workflow

Anyone interested in helping to develop pyqg needs to create their own fork of our git repository. (Follow the github forking instructions. You will need a github account.)

Clone your fork on your local machine.

$ git clone

(In the above, replace USERNAME with your github user name.)

Then set your fork to track the upstream pyqg repo.

$ cd pyqg
$ git remote add upstream git://

You will want to periodically sync your master branch with the upstream master.

$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master

Never make any commits on your local master branch. Instead open a feature branch for every new development task.

$ git checkout -b cool_new_feature

(Replace cool_new_feature with an appropriate description of your feature.) At this point you work on your new feature, using git add to add your changes. When your feature is complete and well tested, commit your changes

$ git commit -m 'did a bunch of great work'

and push your branch to github.

$ git push origin cool_new_feature

At this point, you go find your fork on and create a pull request. Clearly describe what you have done in the comments. If your pull request fixes an issue or adds a useful new feature, the team will gladly merge it.

After your pull request is merged, you can switch back to the master branch, rebase, and delete your feature branch. You will find your new feature incorporated into pyqg.

$ git checkout master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master
$ git branch -d cool_new_feature

Virtual Environment

This is how to create a virtual environment into which to test-install pyqg, install it, check the version, and tear down the virtual environment.

$ conda create --yes -n test_env python=2.7 pip nose numpy cython scipy nose
$ conda install --yes -n test_env -c mforbes pyfftw
$ source activate test_env
$ pip install pyqg
$ python -c 'import pyqg; print(pyqg.__version__);'
$ source deactivate
$ conda env remove --yes -n test_env