What’s New

v0.1.4 (? ? 2015)

Fixed bug related to the sign of advection terms (GH86).

Added new diagnostics. Those include time-averages of u, v, vq, and the spectral divergence of enstrophy flux.

Added topography.

Added new printout that leverages on standard python logger.

Added automated linear stability analysis.

Added multi layer model subclass.

Fixed bug in _calc_diagnostics (GH75). Now diagnostics start being averaged at tavestart.

v0.1.3 (4 Sept 2015)

Fixed bug in setup.py that caused openmp check to not work.

v0.1.2 (2 Sept 2015)

Package was not building properly through pip/pypi. Made some tiny changes to setup script. pypi forces you to increment the version number.

v0.1.1 (2 Sept 2015)

A bug-fix release with no api or feature changes. The kernel has been modified to support numpy fft routines.

  • Removed pyfftw depenency (GH53)
  • Cleaning of examples

v0.1 (1 Sept 2015)

Initial release.